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A Day On Hippie Hill (420 2019)

A few photos from #420 Day 2019 at "Hippie Hill" in #SanFrancisco.

Unlike previous years, when individuals could randomly just show up and have fun, this year's event at #HippieHill seemed to have a more "corporate feel" to it with security guards checking IDs and not letting anyone under the age of 18 into the event.

Despite the deluge of young people, the event was mainly mellow with few arrests under the cool ocean breeze and Sun.

We love 420, but even we can see that this event has "jumped the shark" and is no longer the fun counter-culture event it once was. As a matter of fact, many people have started taking over the meadow across the street from Hippie Hill and have turned that into the new "420" spot for the masses.

However, despite this, with corporate money pouring in, we're sure 420 Day at Hippie Hill will continue.

Credit: Oakland Photo Vault 2019


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