Photos from the annual #Fleetweek 2019 festivities taking place in various Bay Area cities including #SanFrancisco, #Oakland, and #SanLeandro.
Unofficially, with no more regional (FREE) outdoor street festivals planned in the Bay, Fleet Week marks the end of the 2019 Festival Season in the Bay Area-until 2020 Chinese New Years Parade in San Francisco.
Even though Fleet Week is dying a slow death in the Bay Area for various reasons, this year's event was well attended and received by the residents of the Bay with the Blue Angels (and other aircraft) blasting through the skies over the San Francisco Bay and Oakland East Bay
Although no carriers made it to the festivities this year, the Untied States Navy made up for the lack of a carrier presence by assigning the USS Somerset the honors to represent the fleet this year. The Somerset is one of four United States vessels that were built in dedication to the events of 9/11. The Somerset itself being dedicated to the crew and passengers of United Flight 93 that never made it to San Francisco.
Like we said, Fleet Week is dying a slow death, but it was still a fun time with members of the military having fun with the residents of the Bay.
Credit: The Oakland Photo Vault 2019