A few photos from the “last heat wave” of Spring 2019 that stuck the #Oakland #SanFrancisco Bay Area this week.
With temperatures reaching into the mid 90s and low100s throughout the Bay, numerous bay area residents found themselves scrambling for relief from what we felt was not that bad of a heat attack.
Strangely, the areas that would normally bring relief (aka: Ocean Beach) offered little relief to the panic stricken Bay Area residents who could hardly take four days of 90+ degree weather.
However, despite our amusement at watching Bay Area resident’s complain about the heat, BART found itself having to deal with numerous heat related issues as its trackside equipment began to fail in the heat.
One of the bright sides of the heat was that it allowed residents to enjoy beautiful summer like evenings around Oakland and San Francisco.
However, despite our interpretation of the heat not being that bad, the heat did cause various problems for the BART system as numerous trackside equipment failed once the heat reached into the mid-90s. Also, as if on cue, numerous wildfires ignited at various locations around the Bay Area and the State-and ominous sign of what is in store for our future later this year.
But back to our mocking the Bay Area populace, if people in the Bay Area couldn’t take four days of heat in the Spring, we can’t wait to see how they react when Summer starts in just a few days and the REAL heat starts.
Credit: Oakland Photo Vault 2019