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The Matrix Invades San Francisco

Updated: Mar 7, 2020

A few photos from the crazy filming of the MATRIX 4 in downtown #SanFrancisco. Our main purpose was to just see what was going on, and try to document the impact of the filming on the downtown residents and businesses. To be honest, we had doubts that we would even see anything-but we were so wrong. We were able to capture quite a few photos from various nights of shooting-including the now infamous 2/22/2019, Saturday Night shoot that made international news when film crews blew up multiple vehicles, and forgot to clear Market Street before sending in their helicopters (at tree-top level) over unsuspecting on-lookers. Not to mention the numerous fire alarms that were activated in downtown hotels and offices due to the smoke from the productions various smoke/fog machines.

Despite those hiccups, the production team was extremely friendly and it was fun watching them blow stuff up, crash cars, and seeing the actors roam around the downtown area in #matrix4 character.

Btw. If you missed the Saturday night fun (and the helicopters buzzing flying around downtown at street level, that's too bad because you may never see such action like that in San Francisco again-thanks to the numerous complaints residents made to city officials.

Be sure to check out our video on our website or You Tube Channel.

Credit: Oakland Photo Vault 2020